Process integrator
Thanks to its experience as an integrator, Cegelec CEM makes its customers’ complex, large-scale projects a success.
Cegelec CEM benefits from extensive experience in managing major projects with high added value, as the leader of a contractor group or a member of a consortium. We are able to offer relevant services through tailored industrial plans, making outcome-based and performance-based commitments to our customers. As a nuclear integrator, Cegelec CEM offers turnkey services ranging from engineering, design, construction and commissioning, all the way up to the maintenance of customer processes.
These process integration services can be applied to:
- Turnkey design and construction projects for the nuclear sector and large scientific facilities, involving new builds, alterations to existing facilities or specialised remote-controlled machines
- Outcome-based projects on the basis of performance, costs and deadlines
- Projects with high added value in technical, regulatory and organisational terms